Tips :)

Do you have some problems? 

As a cat parent is normal that you have some problems with your lovely kid, and even more normal is the needed of some tips in case something may happened, thank god we have the internet and we can look for a fast solution.

Here are some tips or reasons for situations that can happens:  

  • Box habits 

As soon as you are planning to be a cat owner it is important to be prepare, specially if we want a healthy and nice environment for our friend. Sand boxes are essential in all kind of cases, a rule about this subject is: 

Always have a box a +1, what I mean is, if you have 2 cats you must have 3 boxes around your house. This would help you to have a good litter box habits. Cleaning will also help you to notice any changes in your cats urine or poop, which can be a delicate issue. 

Just take it easy and read, everything would be alright. We will be updating this tips as fast as we can, don't forget to share this to your cat's parents friends, this can be really useful! 


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