You should know ;)

As an owner!

Cats are one of the most beautiful creatures that you can have as a pet, specially if you are one of those people that don't have much time for a home animal, kitties are pretty independent; but as an owner there are some important things you definitely should know about this furry friends 

  • They love to sleep

This little friends can sleep up to 18 hours and take a picture of them in a crazy position is always worth it! 

  • Cats are pretty clean 
As you read before, cats are pretty independent and they love to be clean, so they bath themselves daily, even they can spend about 4 hours just licking their fur. 

  • Love affection 
Unlike for what people have been told, cats are vey affectioned animals, specially if you find them in good terms, but once they trust you they won't leave you alone! 

  • They have personality 
Kittens can get tired you and they would let you know! Even tho they are very affectioned, you can be too much to them, so don't stress if they meow you once in a while, give them their space and they will call you later. 

For more information visit this link and get informed! 


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